The 10 Most Common Reasons for Pain You May Not Know About!

While chiropractic care is an excellent foundation to helping someone feel better, we also help our patients identify the causes of pain and teach them how to improve their lifestyle for a better quality life!

While you may know why your body hurts, sometimes there isn't always a clear cause for your pain, and this can be confusing to a new patient in our office. Below are the 10 most common reasons why people experience pain.

1.) Trauma: Direct injuries from slips, falls, accidents, and sports injuries.  Many times, people don't get proper treatment after an injury which also makes it likely for someone to experience ongoing pain years after the initial injury. Additionally, pain results from repetitive motions from your work, home, and recreational activities. Be aware of how you are using and moving your body!

2.) Sedentary Lifestyles: The vast majority of the population fails to engage in regular movement and physical activity. This lack of routine movement leads to a loss of strength and stability increasing the odds of joint and muscle pain. To be well, you must move well and move regularly!

3.) Poor Dietary Habits: The food we eat can make us healthy or it can make us sick.  Eating foods that are highly processed and filled with sugar, flour, and other harmful ingredients can causes inflammation leading to pain. To avoid ongoing pain, taking control of your daily nutrition is an absolute must! There is no one healthy diet that works for everyone so it is important that you talk to a health care provider that is knowledgeable about nutrition!

4.) Dehydration: The human body requires adequate intake of water on a daily basis. How much water you should drink each each day is dependent on your age, weight, and activity levels. Also, adequate daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruit contributes to staying well-hydrated.

5.) Stress: Regular mental and emotional stress from daily living is one of the most overlooked sources of pain and contributes to almost every single disease known to science. Continual stress alters hormone balance, breathing, sleep cycles, and mental states making the body more likely to experience chronic levels of pain as well. It is wise to investigate what stressors are present in your life and discover pro-active ways to handle stress.

6.) Improper Breathing: It might seem odd that breathing and pain are tied together. If you are breathing properly, you are engaging the diaphragm muscle in the abdomen. Proper breathing efficiently draws oxygen into the lungs, and the natural relaxation of the diaphragm helps expel the maximum level of carbon dioxide waste.

Proper breathing from the diaphragm also helps activate relaxation responses in the body and combat stress. When you are breathing shallowly, rapidly, or even holding your breath at times, the muscles in the neck, upper back, and upper rib cage work overtime to bring air into the lungs. This strains the neck and upper back muscles causing pain, headaches, and jaw pain!

6.) Poor Posture: The average human head weights between 10-12 pounds and is made to be balanced over the shoulders, torso, hips, and legs. Due to spending so much time sitting and working at computers or staring at cell phones, the head position moves forward straining the neck and back. Sitting also weakens our neck & core muscles making the problem with posture worse. Ultimately the forward position of the head makes it harder to breath properly adding to the cycle of pain.

7.) Age: As we age, we don't recover as quickly as we once did. If we don't take care of ourselves then we tend to experience more frequent episodes of pain as we get older. This doesn't have to be the case if we improve our lifestyle habits! It is particularly important to begin improving you lifestyle as soon as you can in life so that you can age gracefully!

8.) Previous Episodes of Pain: Having one of more episodes of pain increases the chances of experiencing pain again sometime in the future. This is particularly true of neck and back pain. The more times you experience pain, the more common it is to experience pain more regularly and the more likely it is the pain will become worse with each episode. If you have joint and muscle pain, you should most definitely give us a call! The sooner you get help, the easier it is to help you recover!

9.) Poor Sleep: Perhaps the most vital requirement for good long-term health is quality sleep every night! Sleep is when your body recuperates and heals. If you aren't sleeping well, then it is only a matter of time before pain shows up and your health starts to go south. Don't ignore the signs of poor sleep quality: fatigue, irritability, mood swings, poor immune function, and general health problems!

10.) Negative Outlook: Life doesn't always go according to the way we want it to. How we view our life and what happens to us, greatly determines how we feel. Constant negativity and looking at life through a gloomy lens greatly impacts our health and how we feel. Becoming a more positive person can take a lot of learning and hard work, but the pay-off is that we experience less pain and better health!

Most often when a person experiences pain, they have multiple triggers from the above list. We help our patients identify which of these areas may be triggering their pain, and provide simple strategies to help our patients better manage the triggers that are contributing to their pain.

Chiropractic care is the foundation for a better quality life! Call us at (814) 371-7211 for more information!

Why Do I Hurt?

A common question patients have when they come to our office is, "why does it hurt?" Often times, when prompted, a patient may not be able to recall anything they did that may have caused the pain.

More often than not, pain arises not from one particular thing, but from a combination of many things that happen to the body over time.

Approximately 84,000 generations ago, human beings were primarily hunter-gathers. We roamed the land in search of food and supplies for our very survival. During this time, we used our body all day long; pushing, pulling, squatting, lunging, lifting, twisting, walking, and running. The joints and muscles of the body are made to perform these complex and coordinated movements regularly.

However, over the years as human civilization formed, we moved into the agricultural age which placed new demands upon the way we moved our bodies. In the 19th century, we graduated into yet another stage of human movement, the Industrial Revolution.

Now the emphasis of movement became heavy and repetitive work. This new stress on the human frame forced people to work harder and placed greater demands on the joints and muscles causing new problems to arise. As we progressed through the 20th century, the physical strain on people's bodies resulted in most aches and pains.

Then, two generations ago, another dramatic shift in how we used our bodies happened; The Digital Age! As technology increased and occupations shifted toward office and computer-based jobs, people found themselves primarily sitting.

As it turns out, sitting is the most damaging position for the human spine, and we do a lot of it. If we combine the amount of sitting we do at work, watching tv, surfing the internet, or the time spent on computers, it amounts to a whopping 13 hours a day of sitting! Add to that the 7-8 hours of sleep we get a night, and we find that we spend most of time each day very inactive!

One more piece of this puzzle will help illuminate why so many hurt; when you combine that level of inactivity with the fact that most people don't actively workout or pursue fitness, we are greatly misusing our bodies every day!

The human body was made to move! If you don't use it you lose it! We now have a body that is made to move and perform at high levels that never gets to be used. That's like having a top notch performance sports car that never gets driven.

Lastly, bad nutrition, poor posture, a lack of sleep, and too much stress overwhelm the body also. It's no wonder your body hurts or your health is suffering. We simply aren't using or taking care of our bodies they way nature intended.

So the next time something hurts and you can't think of a specific thing that caused it, perhaps there are many reasons why you hurt.

Being in pain doesn't have to be the story of your life and neither does poor health! If you have a problem, there's a good chance we may be able to help. Give us a call today at (814) 371-7211 and schedule a visit.

Until next time! Take care and be well!

Hip Flexibility Routine

One of the most common causes of lower back pain, sciatic (leg pain), issues in the lower limbs, and even shoulder/neck problems comes from dysfunction with the hip muscles.

In this 30 minute class we filmed, Dr Aaron Peters will teach you the full routine that you can do 2-3 times per week that will create more mobility in the hips and back while reducing stiffness, pain, and restriction in the core region of your body.

Let us know if you need any help or have questions! Send your comments or questions to